Life Hacks

10 natural remedies for dandruff

Whatever their origin (allergy or dysfunction of the liver), dandruff is never aesthetic and scratching your head all day long is not very elegant. If your dandruff problem is occasional, you can always try one of the natural remedies for dandruff we share in this article.

Best natural remedies for dandruff

1. The essential oil of lemonnatural remedies for dandruff

Mix 5 drops of organic lemon essential oil in natural yogurt and apply on the scalp massaging the product to distribute it evenly over the whole skull. Leave on for a few moments, rinse with warm water and then wash your hair as usual.

2. Sodium bicarbonatenatural remedies for dandruff

The bicarbonate is alkaline, it relieves skin irritated by dandruff and absorbs the excess of sebum responsible for the problem. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to your usual shampoo, massage the scalp for 5 minutes and rinse.

3. The linden infusion

Prepare a linden infusion, let it cool, wash your hair as usual and rinse with linden tea by massaging the scalp for 5 minutes. This emollient plant helps to take off and eliminate dandruff.

4. The salt end of the table

Salt is a natural antiseptic that also activates blood circulation in the scalp when you rub it for 5 minutes mixed with a glass of water. Then make your usual shampoo.

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5. Olive oil and garlicnatural remedies for dandruff

Crush a clove of garlic in half a glass of water filled with virgin olive oil, heat this mixture over low heat for a few minutes, let cool and massage this solution in the scalp for another 5 minutes. Cover the hair with a hot towel and leave on for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. It is one of the best natural remedies for dandruff.

6. The homemade rosemary shampoo

Infuse for 10 minutes a sachet of rosemary tea. In a bowl, add a tablespoon of sweet almond oil and a tablespoon of grated Marseille soap and melt in a bain-marie. Add the infusion of rosemary, let cool and put in the mixture 4 drops of essential oil of rosemary. Massage this mixture with your fingertips into the scalp. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse. This homemade shampoo will wash both hair and eliminate dandruff.

7. The solution with aspirin

Get a neutral shampoo without perfume or any excipient, crush two tablets of aspirin that you mix with your dose of shampoo. Massage everything into the scalp, leave on and rinse. Aspirin pumps excess oil and disinfects the hair.

8. The clay mask

The clay (white or green) absorbs the excess of sebum on the scalp. Get a tube of clay ready, add 8 drops of antiseptic and soothing lavender essential oil and lay a thick layer of this paste at the root of the hair. Wet the hair with lukewarm water, penetrate the clay in the scalp, leave this mask to act for about 15 minutes and rinse. Clay also wash your hair, so you do not need to shampoo.

9. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural antiseptic that also cleanses the skin. Put a teaspoon of cider vinegar in a glass of water and pour it on the hair. Massage the scalp and leave on for about 15 minutes. Rinse. You can use this natural dandruff lotion before or after the shampoo.

10. Colloidal silver

This is a more unusual remedy, quite expensive but very effective at removing dandruff. Get a 15 ppm colloidal silver bottle from a health food store. Use 1 dose of the product for 2 doses of water, pour this mixture once a day on the skull, massaging it until the problem disappears. You can use pure colloidal silver if dandruff itches the scalp.

Sam Owens

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