
How to Plan a Memorable Birthday Bash for a Friend

If you have a close friend who deserves an extra special birthday party, then you know that you really need to do it right. You want to be sure to make this birthday party one that they will remember and cherish for years to come. If you don’t really know how to plan a party, there are a few things you need to know. Here are five tips on how to plan a memorable birthday bash for a friend.

Memorable Birthday Bash

  1. Find some old memories to reference or bring back. If there are any memorable places that you’ve been, performances that you’ve seen together, or restaurants you used to frequent when you were young, these are great things to incorporate into your birthday bash. Try to think of old inside jokes that haven’t been brought up in years, make a picture slideshow or poster board that you can present at the party from way back in the day. You want to get a bit embarrassing, but not too embarrassing.
  2. Invite some unexpected guests. If you have any old mutual friends that the birthday boy or girl hasn’t seen in a long time, then you can really make the event a memorable one by having a few surprise guests. Be sure to notify these people well in advance, since they probably live far away or have some other reason for not being seen in a long time. You could even get a few people together and choreograph a little dance routine. How cute would that be?
  3. Make sure there’s great music. Of course, no party is truly memorable without an amazing musical selection. If you can, it’s great to book a live band. One that will dedicate a few songs to your honoree, and get everyone laughing and dancing is your ideal band. If you can’t get a band, an incredible playlist can go a long way. Spend a lot of time putting this playlist together, and it will be just another gift that you can share with your friend for years to come.
  4. Make it a surprise. If your friend tends to be low-key on birthdays, this is the perfect time to really give him or her surprise of a lifetime. You can pretend that you are just going to have an intimate dinner or watch a classic movie at home, and then blow them away over and over again when you pull all the stops. Just be sure that everyone knows that it’s a surprise party, and you may even want to wait until the last minute to tell some of your friends who are known, blabbermouths.
  5. Go all out with the decorations. Of course, no party really feels complete without a full set of decorations. You can buy all kinds of party decorations with just online, and you can get tons of ideas on how to go DIY with websites like Pinterest. No matter what you do, make sure that you make everything super fun and have enough decorations to really make the scene feel complete. If you just put a few things up here and there, your lackluster effort will be felt by everyone.

Katherine Taylor

Katherine is the author of the website and has been writing about business, and technology for over five years. He has a love for technology and business lifestyle and enjoys writing about lifestyle, the latest technology updates, and more. As a researcher and businessman, Jeffrey also specializes in different types of services such as online marketing, lead generation, and more.

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