Real Estate

How to create a real estate business visit sheet

Real estate business visit sheet: how to create it?  The most important thing you should know is that this document is not a commitment to purchase. Nor does it oblige the visitor to anything. it simply serves so that we can keep track of the business and be more effective.

In this article we will tell you what this document consists of, in addition to offering you the possibility to download directly f a template of a real model of real estate business visits in word and PDF so you can use it in your business.

Why use a real estate business sheet?

the real estate business

Imagine that through your real estate business website you receive the commission for the sale or rental of a property. Unfortunately, after a few days a theft is committed in the home. Although you have no responsibility. You can facilitate the task of the police if you have collected the data of the visitors correctly.

Also, if your real estate agency is large and you have several real estate agents working for you. You will want to know if they are doing their job. What better way to register visits to real estate business?

Finally, as we have mentioned on many occasions, the contacts that are generated in real estate visits are the most mature. That is, they are the most likely to become customers. So that if you get their data, you can get back in touch with them in the future if new opportunities arise. Or if they have doubts about the visit made.

There are many models on the internet how to create this document. In addition to those that you can download from our website.

However, if you want to write it yourself, do not forget what this document should contain.

The identification of the property

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It is evident that in order to register visits, you must indicate the details of the property visited. Do not forget to indicate all the necessary data. It would not be the first time that a real estate agent forgets to put the letter of the floor or the population.

In addition, as you will see in the model of real estate business visit sheet in PDF that we offer. It is advisable to avoid misunderstandings with the visits if we specify the number of rooms. As well as the sale price or rent in which the property is offered.

The identification of all visitors

It is also important that this document influences the identification data of all visitors to the property.

If possible, it is interesting that you request your name, surname. Passport, as well as some contact information. In order to incorporate your data into your real estate business software .

Data of the person / agency making the visit

Also, for safety, it is convenient that in this document the identification data of the person making the visit appear.

It not only helps you control the work of your real estate agents. But also offers transparency and security to visitors.

We recommend that in addition to the real estate business visit sheet. Your team carry business cards that allow identification and provide the agent’s contact information.

Visitor’s Commitment

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Surely this situation sounds to you. You are managing the sale purchase with a property and suddenly, the owner informs you that he has already sold it.

As it is very common and in which both owner and buyer are interested. We recommend that you include a small clause specifying that the visitor does not intend to purchase the property directly from the property. Behind the back of your work or your real estate agency.

Always remember that this document, the real estate visit sheet. Does not commit the visitor to anything with respect to the purchase of the house, that document is called “real estate custom sheet” and it is convenient to differentiate them well.

First visit

It is also important that you include in this document whether or not it is the first time that the visitor comes to see the property. This way you can know if there is a real interest or not and act accordingly.

If the visitor has already been in the property, you can spend more time, since it is a contact that is more mature.


The real estate visit sheet must include the visitor’s signature, the real estate agent that shows it. And the real estate agent’s signature.

Valuation of the dwelling

Also as you will see in the real estate visit sheet that we offer you as a model to download. It is very useful to include a small box in which visitors can assess the different pieces of the property.

Both the real estate agent and the agency will thus have a more detailed information of what the visitors of the real estate business think. For example, to adjust the price or to propose reforms to the owners.

Create a real estate visit sheet

Once you have defined all the items that the real estate visit sheet should include, it is time to create the document.

You can do it in a text editing program such as word and print copies so that your agents can take them with them. From word you can export the document in PDF format to fill it in a tablet if you find it more comfortable.

Do not forget to format it as professionally as possible, with the letterhead of the agency. And the corporate colors of your identity.

Model real estate visit sheet in word and pdf: real template of a part of visits

If you do not want to create this model of real estate visit sheet or want to adapt an existing one. We offer you a real template of a part of visits that you can download directly website.

We offer you a leaflet model   in word so you can open it in your favorite text editing program. And customize it as you wish.

The other model document of the visit sheet ready to download is in pdf format. You can customize it with the image of your real estate business, through an editing program of pdf’s like Acrobat Reader.

Sign the real estate visit sheet: do you need to sign it?

Be careful because they are in their right! Fill out the real estate visit sheet is not mandatory for visitors.

However, it is possible to know if when you make a visit the DNI number they are providing you is real or not. In Internet there are many ways to know if the letter of the DNI corresponds with the number provided by the visitor.

To avoid that visitors are not completely “legal”, you can always ask them for the DNI number before arranging the visit, so that you have time to do this little check of whether the DNI number corresponds with the letter provided.

Before finishing, we must not forget a very important detail when collecting personal data.

As you undoubtedly know, on May 25, the deadline to implement the new European data protection regulations was completed .

This regulation aims to safeguard the collection of personal data. So that they are used for the real purpose and not as an excuse to trade with them or use them for other purposes.

How to comply with the new regulations?

discover real estate business

Very simple, you must comply with the principle of informed consent. That is, before collecting personal data, visitors must know what you are going to do with their data. And what you are going to use them for.

This implies a very important aspect of the real estate  business visits part. You must include in it a legal text that informs the signers. In addition to a box that indicates that you consent to the processing of this personal data.

Richard Brown

I'm Richard, the writer of the blog. I enjoy writing about the lifestyle and all things related to technology. I've been blogging for over six years and I've also been working as a technology journalist for over three years. In my spare time, you can usually find me reading, playing video games, or experimenting with new technologies.

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